
What I have Learned - Learning Theories

Coming to the end of this Learning Theory and Instruction course, I am so much more knowledgeable about the various options available to learn. The information that I have garnered from this course allows me to better evaluate my learning style and equip me to learn more and utilize additional learning styles. This was a stark contrast compared to when I started this class, I had no idea that there were so many theories/thoughts surrounding something so simple as learning. My eyes were slowly opened to a whole new world of learning theory strategies, styles and techniques which I had no idea were separate concepts all pertaining to learning. Being intrinsically motivated to learn everything I can about an instructional designer, I was preparing myself to read the most boring of textbooks and articles. I was highly surprised when the material presented was so very interesting and applicable to my current role as an instructor for adult learners. I was even more surprised that...

Fitting the Pieces Together

Fitting the Pieces Together Rhiannon Buckley Educ 6115 2/25/2018 My first discussion in this class was titled “No One Method Covers it all” where I spoke about how I thought I learned. Notice I used the word "thought" because the terms that I use in this post were those of a layman that was not privy to the terminologies of learning. I perceived behavioral learning theory to be so limited only thinking that solely applicable to classroom learning and not seeing its applicability in other areas. I introspected and derived that the method I learned by was hands-on” and “trial and error” However, after reading numerous articles pertaining to the numerous learning theories that have been studied and theorized and researched, I have a new understanding of how varying learning strategies, styles and techniques can be applied to provide a much more effective learning environment. The fact that every learner is different and learns differently as was stated in the fi...


Having a network definitely has facilitated learning in various ways. It provides variety in the way the I learn and also the material that is learned. The digital tools which have been pivotal in my learning just to name a few are blackboard, Youtube, and quite a few other mobile apps. The ease with which you can read and grasp information using a lot of these mobile apps is unsurpassed. Youtube has so many videos that can be watched to learn anything from using a screwdriver to learning how to make complex things like robots. Audible is another mobile app that allows you to read books of any topic and I have also been using Flipboard which is very savvy in consolidating blogs, news and information of any topic you wish to learn about. I gain new knowledge by researching and identifying which tool would be more suitable to use, similar to I am trying a new recipe and I go to Google and search for the recipes that looks the best and that is the least complex to make. It w...

Teaching the Brain

Teaching the Brain The brain is a mysteriously complex organ controlling how every stimuli is processed, including learning. This week’s blog will focus on brain-based learning also known as neuroplasticity and how we are able to appeal to the brain by shaping and molding information to enable learning. I located three very informative articles which provide unique insights on this topic. The first article simply titled “ Brain-Based Learning ” provides an overview of brain-based learning by discussing the physiology of the brain and how it is work during the learning process. Science has evolved to the point of being able to quantitatively and qualitative analyze the brain and provide more data.  Which segments of the brain work, when and how they react to various stimuli. Thompson provided even more evidence to the old adage of “practice makes perfect” when in the article she said that “ These findings lead to the conclusion that learning may be enhanced through practice a...

Instructional Design in Call Centers

In the corporate world, companies are continually trying to find more cost-effective methods to onboard new employees and also to provide continuing education for its current staff. Being able to design such training environment within the parameters stipulated by companies and also ensure that the adult learners are successfully educated can be a very daunting task. In a call center environment, this specific type of training needs to be especially engaging, motivating and geared to learners/employees who do not have much time. The following blogs which I will provide an overview of will give more insight into some techniques and tips could possibly provide a more successful training session in the call center environment. First Blog: 15 Tips for Training Call Center Agents Things and times are changing, so is customer expectation and with that significant investment is being made into call center agents being prepared to meet the changing needs of customers. Even thoug...