Having a network definitely has facilitated learning in various ways. It provides variety in the way the I learn and also the material that is learned. The digital tools which have been pivotal in my learning just to name a few are blackboard, Youtube, and quite a few other mobile apps. The ease with which you can read and grasp information using a lot of these mobile apps is unsurpassed. Youtube has so many videos that can be watched to learn anything from using a screwdriver to learning how to make complex things like robots. Audible is another mobile app that allows you to read books of any topic and I have also been using Flipboard which is very savvy in consolidating blogs, news and information of any topic you wish to learn about.
I gain new knowledge by researching and identifying which tool would be more suitable to use, similar to I am trying a new recipe and I go to Google and search for the recipes that looks the best and that is the least complex to make. It will give me options to go to Pinterest or Simply Recipes or Allrecipes until I decide based on what ingredients I have on hand versus my having to go to the grocery store.
Having a personal learning network provides learning in a more collaborative atmosphere. According to Moses and Duin “A personal learning network is a collection of people, information resources, organizations, and other connections that a networked individual values because the connections support and contribute to learning interests” (Moses, J. & Duin A, 2015)
In this aspect, it does support the connectivist theory which stipulates the change in social learning with more technology. Even though people are not considered technology, they are still a great information resource and the other connections we have such as Facebook, Pinterest etc still play a huge part in that social digital environment.
Moses, J., & Duin, A. H. (2015, September). Intercultural connectivism and personal learning networks in course redesign [Web log post]. Retrieved February 7, 2018, from
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